Do you have this plant?
With 3 locations around the Spokane Valley we have almost 40 acres of plant material! Unfortunately it is impossible for us to catalog and post an inventory list online. The bright side is- if it grows in this area, we probably have it (or we have something very similar). The best way to shop our store is the old fashioned way- come on in! However, we realize that sometimes you need to be reasonably sure we have what you want before you stop in. Below is a list of the common items we have in stock. The list is not comprehensive, but it will give you an idea before you make the trip.
All the old favorites and some fun new ones too! Black Eyed Susan, Daylilies, Echinacea, Coreopsis, Catmint, Salvia, Asters, Gaillardia, Daisies, Lavender, Hosta, Columbine, Rockcress, Phlox, Lupine, Peony, Delphineum, Bleeding Heart, Penstemon, Astilbe, Ferns, Ornamental Grasses, and much more!

Deciduous Shrubs
Love those pops of color! Spirea galore, Barberries, Knockout and Drift roses, Weigela, Forsythia, Butterfly Bush, Dappled Willow,  Redtwig Dogwoods, Ninebark, Privet, Hydrangea, Viburnum, Rose of Sharon, Lilac, Serviceberry, Mockorange, Buckthorn, Smokebush, Yucca, Burning Bush, and much more!
Evergreen Shrubs
Lush and green all year! Boxwoods, Yews, Holly, Inkberry, Cherry Laurel, Gold Mop Cypress, Juniper, Globe Blue Spruce, Bird's Nest Spruce, Kalmia, Arborvitae, Rhododendron, Mugho Pine, Oregon Grape, Kinnickinick, Vinca, Wintercreeper, and much more!

Ornamental and Weeping Trees
Classic with a hint of whimsy. We carry a variety of Weeping Spruce, Contorted Blue Atlas Cedar, Weeping Cherry, Weeping Larch, Purple Fountain Beech, Weeping Birch, Topiaried trees, Flowering Dogwoods, Japanese Maples, and much more!
Fruit Trees and other edibles
If you're going to grow a tree--- grow a tree you can eat (sort of)! We have an excellent selection of potted fruit trees that we grow right on site. Apples, Pears, Peaches, Cherries, Apricot, Plums, Nectarines, Walnuts, Filberts, Almonds and some combo varieties for easy pollination. Most of our trees are on Semi-Dwarf rootstock. In the early spring and late fall we have bareroot fruit trees available.Â
We also carry an ever-expanding selection of edible shrubs including: Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Blueberries, Grapes, Currants, Rhubarb, Horseradish, Table Grapes, Elderberry, Kiwi, Asparagus, Gooseberries, Honeyberries, and most recently a hardy variety of Fig.
We also carry Seed Potatoes, Onion Sets, and a wide variety of Veggie starts!

Deciduous Trees
Flowers in the spring, shade in the summer, color in the fall--- what's not to love about those leafy trees! If you've seen this tree around town, we probably have it. We carry dozens of varieties of Maple, Oak, Ash, Crabapples, Flowering Plums, Flowering Pears, Flowering Cherries, Linden, Hornbeam, Zelkova, Tulip trees, Aspen, Birch, Magnolia, Honeylocust, Hawthorn, Beech, and much more!
Conifer Trees
Oh so much more than just for Christmas! Fraser Fir, Alpine Fir, Douglas Fir, Grand Fir, Siberian Fir, Ponderosa Pine, Vanderwolf Pine, Scotch Pine, Eastern White Pine, Cedar, Colorado Blue Spruce, Serbian Spruce, Norway Spruce, Hemlock and columnar varieties of several of these species.

Native Plants
Go Native! We have a wide selection of Native perennials, shrubs and trees. These work great in xeriscape/low maintenance and drought tolerant landscapes, as well as for reclamation projects. If you have a large native planting to do or need something specific, please talk with us about special ordering or contract growing. We generally have a good selection of Snowberry, Serviceberry, Pacific Ninebark, Woods Rose, Chokecherry, Juniper, Oregon Grape, Oceanspray, Mockorange, Willows, Kinnickinick, and Redtwig Dogwood.